Monday, November 27, 2017

Assignment #20: Surreal

Real is happening and looks possible but surreal is like a dream, where everything looks real even though it may be bizarre to look real.
When someone says, "That's so surreal," they are saying that something looks or feels real even though it is strange to be real. For example, in my dreams I may see a giant mouse or a tiny lion which are surreal because in my mind they seem real but it makes no sense for them to be real.
Image result for Anka Zhuravleva
This photo was taken by Anka Zhuravleva. I like her use of levitation in her photographs and the subtle look of it all.

This photo was taken by Joel Robison. I really like how his images compare shapes and sizes within them.

I was inspired by Joel Robison's work to capture a surreal photo comparing shapes and sizes. In this photo, I achieved this concept by using distance to make it appear as though one of the girls is either very tiny or the other girl is very large.

Assignment #18: Aaron Siskind

In a lot of Siskind's work, his images are black and white like the image above. He also seems to add a lot of clarity to his images to really show the shapes and patterns like I tried. In my image, I also tried to capture shapes, patterns, and textures of the wood and the window like Siskind does.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Assignment #17: Text

Assignment #15: Light

The hardest part of this assignment was trying to find or create really sharp shadows. However, the most interesting was when I put down the pumpkin and how there were many shadows and values of light. I think because of that, the image of the pumpkin was the most successful.